I have 1 host with Solaris 10 update 8 and it linked with stk6540 array(the 
host type set to traffic manager), and host have 4 paths and 2 linked to the 
controller A and the rest 2 linked to controller B, when I disabled the MPxIO 
and the host reboot, then I checked the zpool status, the testpool imported as 
unavailable, the reason is zpool still try to import zpool with the MPxIO 
device files, actually they were not available again, and if I export this pool 
and re-import it again, the pool can be imported with the correct device files.

But I did the same test with one Solaris 10 U8 host linked to IBM ess800, and 
when MPxIO disable, the zpool can import correctly with the correct device 

The scenario confuse me, and do anybody have experiment on it?Any reply is very 

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