when I delegate the zfs  roles to a user, the user can create a snapshot of zfs 
filesystem, but cannot snapshot a zone contained in that filesystem.
The output is:
$  /usr/sbin/zfs snapshot tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/z...@1install
cannot create snapshot 'tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/z...@1install': 
permission denied

The root user can create the snapshot just fine.
This is with OSOL b132/amd64

Am I doing something wrong?


full session log follows:
# cat /tank/zones/dashboardbuild.cfg
create -b
set zonepath=/tank/zones/dashboardbuild
set autoboot=true
add net
set address=
set physical=e1000g0
add fs
set dir=/home
set special=/export/home
set type=lofs

# zfs create tank/zones/dashboardbuild
# chmod 700 /tank/zones/dashboardbuild
# zonecfg -z dashboardbuild -f /tank/zones/dashboardbuild.cfg
# zoneadm -z dashboardbuild install
   Publisher: Using opensolaris.org (http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ ).
   Publisher: Using contrib.opensolaris.org 
       Image: Preparing at /tank/zones/dashboardbuild/root.
       Cache: Using /var/pkg/download.
Sanity Check: Looking for 'entire' incorporation.
  Installing: Core System (output follows)

DOWNLOAD                                  PKGS       FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                43/43 12186/12186    84.7/84.7

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Install Phase                            17622/17622
No updates necessary for this image.
  Installing: Additional Packages (output follows)

DOWNLOAD                                  PKGS       FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                37/37   3345/3345    21.8/21.8

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Install Phase                              4519/4519

        Note: Man pages can be obtained by installing SUNWman
 Postinstall: Copying SMF seed repository ... done.
 Postinstall: Applying workarounds.
        Done: Installation completed in 543.818 seconds.

  Next Steps: Boot the zone, then log into the zone console (zlogin -C)
              to complete the configuration process.

# zfs list |grep dashboard
tank/zones/dashboardbuild             513M   397G    21K  
tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT        513M   397G    19K  legacy
tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/zbe    513M   397G   513M  legacy

# zfs allow hajma snapshot,rollback,mount tank/zones/dashboardbuild
# zfs allow hajma snapshot,rollback,mount tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT
# zfs allow hajma snapshot,rollback,mount tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/zbe

# zfs allow  tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/zbe
---- Permissions on tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/zbe ---------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user hajma mount,rollback,snapshot
---- Permissions on tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT -------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user hajma mount,rollback,snapshot
---- Permissions on tank/zones/dashboardbuild ------------------------
Local+Descendent permissions:
        user hajma mount,rollback,snapshot
-bash-4.0$  pfexec /usr/sbin/zfs snapshot 
cannot create snapshot 'tank/zones/dashboardbuild/ROOT/z...@1install': 
permission denied
-bash-4.0$  pfexec /usr/sbin/zfs snapshot tank/zones/dashboardbu...@test

this is what I see when I run the command in truss:

2116:   ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08044930)      = 0
2116:   brk(0x080D4000)                                 = 0
2116:   ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_STATS, 0x08043300)        = 0
2116:   brk(0x080E4000)                                 = 0
2116:   ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_SNAPSHOT, 0x080462C0)          Err#1 EPERM [sys_mount]
2116:   fstat64(2, 0x08045260)
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