On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Orvar Korvar
<knatte_fnatte_tja...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I see 24 drives in an external chassi. I presume that chassis does only hold 
> drives, it does not hold a motherboard.
> How do you connect all drives to your OpenSolaris server? Do you place them 
> next to each other, and then you have three 8 SATA ports in your OpenSolaris 
> server, and have 24 SATA cables in the air? And the chassis are wide open?
> Or, am I wrong, does the chassi also hold a motherboard?

Both of the cases I posted can hold a motherboard. There is also a kit
available for about $100 that lets you use the chassis with just disk
in it.


Brandon High : bh...@freaks.com
For sale: One moral compass, never used.
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