Hello All,
I read through the attached threads and found a solution by a poster and
decided to try it. The solution was to use 3 files (in my case I made them
sparse), I then created a raidz2 pool across these 3 files and started a zfs
send | recv. The performance is horrible, it was 5.62mb/s. When I am backing
up the other system to this failover system over a network connection I can
get around 40mb/s. Is it because I am backing it up onto files rather than
physical disks? Am I doing this all wrong? This pool is temporary as it will
be sent to tape, deleted and recreated. Is it possible to zfs send to two
destination simultaneously? Or am I stuck. Any pointers would be great!

I am using OpenSolaris snv_129 and the disks are sata wd 1tb 7200rpm disks.

Thanks All!

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Gregory Durham <gregory.dur...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Well I guess I am glad I am not the only one. Thanks for the heads up!
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:39 PM, David Magda <dma...@ee.ryerson.ca> wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 2010, at 18:28, Gregory Durham wrote:
>>  One option I have seen is zfs send zfs_s...@1 >
>>> /some_dir/some_file_name. Then I can back this up to tape. This seems easy
>>> as I already have a created a script that does just this but I am worried
>>> that this is not the best or most secure way to do this. Does anyone have a
>>> better solution?
>> We've been talking about this for the last week and a half. :)
>> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/zfs-discuss/2010-January/thread.html#35929
>> http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=121797
>> (They're the same thread, just different interfaces.)
>>  I was thinking about then gzip'ing this but that would take an enormous
>>> amount of time...
>> If you have a decent amount of CPU, you can parallelize compression:
>> http://www.zlib.net/pigz/
>> http://blogs.sun.com/timc/entry/tamp_a_lightweight_multi_threaded
>> The LZO algorithm (as used in 7zip) is supposed to be better that gzip in
>> many benchmarks, and supposedly is very parallel.
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