On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 03:41:17PM -0800, Richard Elling wrote:
> > Consider a pool  of 3x 2TB SATA disks in RAIZ1, you would roughly
> > have 80 IOPS. Any info about the relation between ZIL <> pool
> > performance? Or will the ZIL simply fill up and performance drops
> > to pool speed?
> The ZFS write performance for this configuration should consistently
> be greater than 80 IOPS.  We've seen measurements in the 600 write
> IOPS range.  Why?  Because ZFS writes tend to be contiguous. Also,
> with the SATA disk write cache enabled, bursts of writes are handled
> quite nicely.
>  -- richard

That's interesting.  I was under the impression that your IOPS for a
zpool were limited to the slowest drive in a vdev -- times the number
of vdevs.

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