Thanks for all the suggestions.  Now for a strange tail...

I tried upgrading to dev 130 and, as expected, things did not go well.  All 
sorts of permission errors flew by during the upgrade stage and it would not 
start X-windows.  I've heard that things installed from the  contrib and extras 
repositories might cause issues but I didn't want to spend the time with my 
server offline while i tried to figure this out.

So, I booted back to 111b and scrubs still showed errors.  Late in the evening, 
the pool faulted preventing any backups from the other servers to this pool.  
Greeted this morning with the "recover files from backup" status message sent 
shivers up my spine.  This IS my backup.

I exported the pool and then imported it, which it did successfully.  Now the 
scrubs run cleanly (at least for a few repeated scrubs spanning several hours). 
 So, was it hardware?  What the heck could have fixed it by just exporting and 
importing the pool?
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