It's too late.  I ordered 3 AOC-SAT2-MV8 cards.

when you say "better hot plug support" what exactly does that mean.  It was
my understanding that the AOC-SAT2-MV8 was the same (or similar) controller
which sun used in the x4500

i know THAT has hotplug support (right?!?!)

the case i used has 20 hot swap bays which connect directly to the sata
controllers via normal sata cables (the norco 4020 case)
it's not enterprise grade or anything but it's pretty nice for the money.
the backpane supports dual psu's....i was also going to use a second norco
case with a sas expander like this one

and a similar card like which you suggested for any additional
can you elaborate on "better hot plug support"

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:05 AM, Mark Bennett <>wrote:

> I'd recommend a SAS non-raid controller (with sas backplane) over sata.
> It has better hot plug support.
> I use the Supermicro SC836E1 and a AOC-USAS-L4i with a UIO M/b.
> Mark.
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