> That's the thing, the drive lights aren't blinking,
> but I was thinking maybe the writes are going so slow
> that it's possible they aren't registering. And since
> I can't keep a running iostat, Ican't tell if
> anything is going on.  I can however get into the
> KMDB.  is there something in there that can monitor
> storage activity or anything?
> probably not, but it's worth asking.
> Oh, and for the other guys, was your ZIL on an ssd or
> in the pool?  My ZIL is on a 30GB ssd from ocz and my
> arcl2 is on another ssd of the same type.  I'm
> wondering if your ZIL's are in the pool and therefore
> is helping your recovery where I may be hitting
> simultaneous bug.
> Message was edited by: tomwag

No SSD's in my system. ZIL is in the pool.
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