Ok, this is the script I am running (as a background process). This script 
doesn't matter much, it's just here for reference, as I'm running into problems 
just running the savecore command while the zpool import is running.


rm /var/crash/opensol/bounds

/usr/bin/savecore -L

while [ 1 ]
    if [ $count == 10 ]
        rm /var/crash/opensol/bounds
    savecore -L
    count=`expr $count + 1`

opensol was the name of the system before I renamed it to wd40, crash data is 
still set to be put in /var/crash/opensol

I have started another zpool import of the vault volume

r...@wd40:~# zpool import
  pool: vault
    id: 4018273146420816291
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

        vault       ONLINE
          raidz1-0  ONLINE
            c3d0    ONLINE
            c3d1    ONLINE
            c4d0    ONLINE
            c4d1    ONLINE
r...@wd40:~# zpool import 4018273146420816291 &
[1] 1093

After starting the import, savecore -L no longer finishes

r...@wd40:/var/adm# savecore -L
dumping to /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump, offset 65536, content: kernel
 0:05 100% done
100% done: 153601 pages dumped, dump succeeded

It should be saying that it's saving to /var/crash/opensol/, but instead it 
just hangs and never returns me to a prompt

Previous to running zpool import, the savecore command took anywhere from 10-15 
seconds to finish.

If I cd to /var/crash/opensol, there is not a new file created

I tried firing off savecore again, same result.

A ps listing shows the savecore command

r...@wd40:/var/crash/opensol# ps -ef | grep savecore
    root  1092  1061   0 22:27:55 ?           0:01 savecore -L
    root  1134  1083   0 22:33:28 pts/3       0:00 grep savecore
    root  1113   787   0 22:30:23 ?           0:01 savecore -L

(One of these is from the script I was running when I started the import 
manually, the other when I just ran the savecore -L command by itself).

I cannot kill these processes, even with a kill -9

I then hard rebooted my server yet again (as it hangs if it's in process of a 
zpool import)

After the reboot, all I did was ssh in, disable gdm, run my zfs import command, 
and try another savecore (this time not trying to use my script above first, 
just a simple savecore -L as root from the command line), once again it hangs

r...@wd40:~# zpool import 4018273146420816291 &
[1] 783
r...@wd40:~# savecore -L
dumping to /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump, offset 65536, content: kernel
 0:05 100% done
100% done: 138876 pages dumped, dump succeeded
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