> > Hmm, dunno. I wouldn't set anything, but scratch file > system to > dedup=on. Anything of even slight significance is set > to dedup=verify.
Why? Are you saying this because the ZFS dedup code is relatively new? Or because you think there's some other problem/disadvantage to it? We're planning on using deduplication for archiving old data, and I see good use cases for it for virtual machine data. > > Dedup doesn't come for free - it imposes additional > load on CPU. just > like a checksumming and compression. The more fancy > things we want our > file system to do for us, the stronger CPU it'll > take. > Understood and agreed...but if you have the extra CPU cycles already, then, depending on the type of data and your deduplication ratios, it may be worth it to use the extra CPU to avoid buying the disk. -Nick -- This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss