We've been using ZFS for about two years now and make a lot of use of zfs
send/receive to send our data from one X4500 to another. This has been
working well for the past 18 months that we've been doing the sends.

I recently upgraded the receiving thumper to Solaris 10 u8 and since then,
I've been having no end of problems. We were asked to upgrade to attempt to
resolve a driver issue we've been having with the X4500s and I also
upgraded the zfs version running on the system.

The last snapshot received was named thumperpool/m...@200911301000 and since
then we've been completely unable to receive any snapshots -- even if I've
literally just snapshotted, removed back to the previous snapshot, and then
tried to receive that same snapshot.

Here's a demo of the behaviour we're seeing:

117 r...@thumper2:~> cat 1000_1100 | zfs receive -v thumperpool
receiving incremental stream of vlepool/m...@200911301100 into 
cannot receive incremental stream: destination thumperpool has been modified
since most recent snapshot

If I modify any data on the system, snapshot it, rollback the system, and
attempt to receive the snapshot back, I get the same:

122 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs list | tail
thumperpool/m...@200911291700             131M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911292200             114M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300000            85.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300100            87.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300300             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300400            81.0M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300500            83.3M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300700            86.7M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300900             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911301000                0      -  1.77T  -
123 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> dd if=/dev/zero of=mymodification bs=512 
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
124 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs list | tail
thumperpool/m...@200911291700             131M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911292200             114M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300000            85.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300100            87.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300300             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300400            81.0M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300500            83.3M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300700            86.7M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300900             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911301000            73.1K      -  1.77T  -
125 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs snapshot thumperpool/m...@fail_demo
126 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs list | tail
thumperpool/m...@200911292200             114M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300000            85.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300100            87.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300300             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300400            81.0M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300500            83.3M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300700            86.7M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300900             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911301000            73.1K      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@fail_demo                   0      -  1.77T  -
127 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs send -i thumperpool/m...@200911301000 
thumperpool/m...@fail_demo > /tmp/fail_demo
128 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs rollback thumperpool/m...@200911301000
cannot rollback to 'thumperpool/m...@200911301000': more recent snapshots exist
use '-r' to force deletion of the following snapshots:
129 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs rollback -r 
130 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> zfs list | tail
thumperpool/m...@200911291700             131M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911292200             114M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300000            85.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300100            87.2M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300300             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300400            81.0M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300500            83.3M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300700            86.7M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911300900             102M      -  1.77T  -
thumperpool/m...@200911301000                0      -  1.77T  -
131 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> cat /tmp/fail_demo | zfs receive 
thumperpool -v
too many arguments
        receive [-vnF] <filesystem|volume|snapshot>
        receive [-vnF] -d <filesystem>

For the property list, run: zfs set|get

For the delegated permission list, run: zfs allow|unallow
132 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> cat /tmp/fail_demo | zfs receive -v 
receiving incremental stream of thumperpool/m...@fail_demo into 
cannot receive incremental stream: destination thumperpool has been modified
since most recent snapshot
133 r...@thumper2:/thumperpool/mnt> cat /tmp/fail_demo | zfs receive -vF 
receiving incremental stream of thumperpool/m...@fail_demo into 
cannot receive incremental stream: most recent snapshot of thumperpool does not
match incremental source

Systems Developer

e: andrew.nic...@luns.net.uk
im: a.nic...@jabber.lancs.ac.uk
t: +44 (0)1524 5 10147

Lancaster University Network Services is a limited company registered in
England and Wales. Registered number: 04311892. Registered office:
University House, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YW

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