> Gzip can be a bit slow.  Luckily there is 'lzop' which is quite a lot
> more CPU efficient on i386 and AMD64, and even on SPARC.  If the
> compressor is able to keep up with the network and disk, then it is
> fast enough.  See "http://www.lzop.org/";.

In my development/testing this week, I did "time zfs send | gzip --fast >
somefile.gz" and also "time zfs send | threadzip --threads=8 > somefile.tz"

Threadzip performed 10x faster (hardly a performance I expect from lzop) and
compressed about 2-3% smaller than gzip.  Also hardly a performance I could
expect from lzop.

The key is multiple cores.  I'm on an 8-core xeon.

As for "fast enough," the metric I'm using is:  Can the compressor keep up
with IO?  I do this:  "time zfs send > /dev/null" and "time zfs send |
[compressor] > /dev/null" to see if the compressor has an impact on

I'm only at rev 1.0 of threadzip, and it is *far* from optimized.  But it's
still an order of magnitude better than the alternatives.  So it'll only get
better from here.

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