Hi, everybody,

I'm a newbie to ZFS. I have a special question against the COW transaction of 
Does ZFS keeps the sequential consistency when it meets power outage or server 

Assume following scenario:

My application has only a single thread and it appends the data to the file 
continuously. Suppose at time t1, it append a buf named A to the file. At time 
t2, which is later than t1, it appends a buf named B to the file. If the server 
crashes after t2, is it possible the buf B is flushed back to the disk but buf 
A is not? 

Does ZFS keep the consistency that the data written to a file in sequential 
order or casual order be flushed to disk in the same order? If the writer 
operation to a single file always binding with the same transaction group, I 
think the answer should be YES.

Hope anybody can help me clarify it. Thank you very much!
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