If there were a ³zfs send² datastream saved someplace, is there a way to verify the integrity of that datastream without doing a ³zfs receive² and occupying all that disk space?
I am aware that ³zfs send² is not a backup solution, due to vulnerability of even a single bit error, and lack of granularity, and other reasons. However ... There is an attraction to ³zfs send² as an augmentation to the commercial backup tools we use, because ³zfs receive² doesn¹t require any special software packages or license keys to do a restore in the event of a complete filesystem restore. Hate that catch-22 when you can¹t restore because the backup tool is inside the backup file. If we ever need to restore the complete dataset ... Most likely there will be no error on the tapes, so if we have an error-free saved ³zfs send² stream available, then ³zfs receive² would be the best possible tool to recover the whole filesystem. So the question is: I¹ve read the ³zfs manual² and I don¹t see any ³zfs verify² command. The closest I see is the ³zfs receive n² command, but I am not sure this command would actually checksum and verify the datastream. Is there some way for me to verify a datastream without actually doing the ³zfs receive?² Thanks...
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