Perhaps. As I noted though, it also occurs on the onboard NVidia SATA 
controller when MSI is enabled. I had already put a line in /etc/system to 
disable MSI for that controller per a forum thread and it worked great. I'm now 
running with all MSI disabled via XVM as the mpt controller is giving me the 
same problems. As it's happening on totally different controller types, cable 
types, and drive types, I have to go with software issues. I know for sure the 
NVidia issue didn't come up on 2009.06. It makes the system take forever to 
boot, so it's very noticeable. It happened when I first went to dev builds, I 
want to say it was around b118. I updated for better XVM support for newer 
Linux kernels. 

The NVidia controller causes similar log messages. Command timeouts. Disabling 
MSIs fixes it as well. Motherboard is an Asus M4N82 Deluxe. NVIDIA nForce 980a 
SLI chipset.

I expect the root cause is the same, and I would guess that something is 
causing the drivers to miss or not receive some interrupts. However, my 
programming at this level is limited, so perhaps I'm misdiagnosing the issue.
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