We actually tried this, although using sol10-version of mpt-driver. 
Surprisingly it didn't work :-)

Markus Kovero

-----Original Message-----
From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org 
[mailto:zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: 1. joulukuuta 2009 15:57
To: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] mpt errors on snv 127

Mark Johnson wrote:
> Chad Cantwell wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I was using for quite awhile OpenSolaris 2009.06
>> with the opensolaris-provided mpt driver to operate a zfs raidz2 pool of
>> about ~20T and this worked perfectly fine (no issues or device errors
>> logged for several months, no hanging).  A few days ago I decided to
>> reinstall with the latest OpenSolaris in order to take advantage of
>> raidz3.  
> Just to be clear... The same setup was working fine on osol2009.06,
> you upgraded to b127 and it started failing?
> Did you keep the osol2009.06 be around so you can reboot back to it?
> If so, have you tried the osol2009.06 mpt driver in the
> BE with the latest bits (make sure you make a backup copy
> of the mpt driver)?

What's the earliest build someone has seen this
problem? i.e. if we binary chop, has anyone seen it in

I have no idea if the old mpt drivers will work on a
new kernel... But if someone wants to try... Something
like the following should work...

# first, I would work out of a test BE in case you
# mess something up.
beadm create test-be
beadm activate test-be

# assuming your lasted BE is call snv127, mount it and backup
# the stock mpt driver and conf file.
beadm mount snv127 /mnt
cp /mnt/kernel/drv/mpt.conf /mnt/kernel/drv/mpt.conf.orig
cp /mnt/kernel/drv/amd64/mpt /mnt/kernel/drv/amd64/mpt.orig

# see what builds are out there...
pkg search /kernel/drv/amd64/mpt

# There's probably an easier way to do this...
# grab an older mpt. This will take a while since it's
# not in it's own package and ckr has some dependencies
# so it will pull in a bunch of other packages.
# change out 118 with the build you want to grab.
mkdir /tmp/mpt
pkg image-create -f -F -a opensolaris.org=http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev 
pkg -R /tmp/mpt/ install sunw...@0.5.11-0.118
cp /tmp/mpt/kernel/drv/mpt.conf /mnt/kernel/drv/mpt.conf
cp /tmp/mpt/kernel/drv/amd64/mpt /mnt/kernel/drv/amd64/mpt
rm -rf /tmp/mpt/
bootadm update-archive -R /mnt


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