Travis Tabbal wrote:

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:25 PM, James C. McPherson < <>> wrote:

    The first step towards "acknowledging" that there is a problem
    is you logging a bug in
    <>. If you don't, we
    don't know that there might be a problem outside of the ones
    that we identify.

I apologize if I offended by not knowing the protocol. I thought that posting in the forums was watched and the bug tracker updated by people at Sun. I didn't think normal users had access to submit bugs. Thank you for the reply. I have submitted a bug on the issue with all the information I think might be useful. If someone at Sun would like more information, output from commands, or testing, I would be happy to help.

Hi Travis,
no, you didn't offend at all. There's a chunk of doco on the site which talks about bugs, and there's a link
to both "bugster" and bugzilla. "Bugster" is the internal tool
which you can view via The bugzilla instance
is r/w by anybody who has an account on Most of
the kernel groups are not yet looking at the bugzilla instance so
it's better to use bugster at this point in time.

I was not provided with a bug number by the system. I assume that those are given out if the bug is deemed worthy of further consideration.
That's an invalid assumption. As it happens, the bugs.o.o interface
does not always provide you with a bug id, we have to wait for the
new entry to show up in our internal triage queue and then reassign
it to where it really should go. I haven't seen your bug turn up yet
so I can't help more at this point. No doubt a copy of it will turn
up in my inbox after I've gone to sleep.

Whoever picks up your bug should contact you directly to get copies
of the other data you mention.

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems
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