On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Orvar Korvar <knatte_fnatte_tja...@yahoo.com
> wrote:

> Great! So if I want another build, for instance b125, I just change step
> 10?
> 10) pkg -R /mnt install ent...@0.5.11-0.125
> Yes?
> What is this "0.5.11" thing? Should that be changed too, if I try to
> install b125? Like "0.5.12-0.125"?

No.  That's the SunOS version number, and you should always use 0.5.11- for
anything in opensolaris today.  Solaris 10= "5.10".  Opensolaris="5.11".
9=5.9 etc. etc. etc.


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