On Thu, 5 Nov 2009, Miles Nordin wrote:
"rm" == Robert Milkowski <mi...@task.gda.pl> writes:
rm> Personally I don't blame Sun that implementing the CR took so
rm> long as it mostly affected home users with cheap hardware from
rm> BestBuy like sources
no, many of the reports were FC SAN's.
Do you have a secret back-channel to receive these many reports? Are
the reports from trolls or gnomes?
rm> and even then it was relatively rare.
no, they said they were losing way more zpools than they ever lost
vxfs's in the same environment.
Who are 'they'? Are they the little gnomes that come out at night and
lurk in your computer room?
Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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