Hey, buy them a beer from me, too! (Easy for me to say, as I cant shell out money). ZFS developers rocks. Hard. And long. -- This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss
- [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS deduplication properties Craig S. Bell
- Re: [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS deduplication pr... BJ Quinn
- Re: [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS deduplicatio... David Magda
- Re: [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS deduplic... Richard Elling
- Re: [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS dedu... Carson Gaspar
- Re: [zfs-discuss] PSARC 2009/571: ZFS... Orvar Korvar