On Oct 23, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Tim Cook wrote:
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Richard Elling <richard.ell...@gmail.com > wrote:

Tim has a valid point. By default, ZFS will queue 35 commands per disk. For 46 disks that is 1,610 concurrent I/Os. Historically, it has proven to be relatively easy to crater performance or cause problems with very, very, very expensive arrays that are easily overrun by Solaris. As a result, it is not uncommon to see references to setting throttles, especially in older docs.

Fortunately, this is simple to test by reducing the number of I/Os ZFS
will queue.  See the Evil Tuning Guide

The mpt source is not open, so the mpt driver's reaction to 1,610 concurrent I/Os can only be guessed from afar -- public LSI docs mention a number of 511 concurrent I/Os for SAS1068, but it is not clear to me that is an explicit limit. If
you have success with zfs_vdev_max_pending set to 10, then the mystery
might be solved. Use iostat to observe the wait and actv columns, which
show the number of transactions in the queues.  JCMP?

NB sometimes a driver will have the limit be configurable. For example, to get high performance out of a high-end array attached to a qlc card, I've set the execution-throttle in /kernel/drv/qlc.conf to be more than two orders of magnitude greater than its default of 32. /kernel/drv/mpt*.conf does not seem
to have a similar throttle.
 -- richard

I believe there's a caveat here though. That really only helps if the total I/O load is actually enough for the controller to handle. If the sustained I/O workload is still 1600 concurrent I/O's, lowering the batch won't actually cause any difference in the timeouts, will it? It would obviously eliminate burstiness (yes, I made that word up), but if the total sustained I/O load is greater than the ASIC can handle, it's still going to fall over and die with a queue of 10, correct?

Yes, but since they are disks, and I'm assuming HDDs here, there is no
chance the disks will be faster than the host's ability to send I/Os ;-)
iostat will show what the queues look like.
 -- richard

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