Quoting A Darren Dunham (ddun...@taos.com):

> > i noticed rsync -removes- snapshots even though i am not able to do
> > so myself, even as root, with plain /bin/rm.
> I never liked this interface.  I want snapshots to be immutable to
> operations within the filesystem itself.

Well, thats what i would expect too. It seems strange that you can't
edit or remove singular files from snapshots though you can rmdir
acomplete snapshot 'directory' at once. Is this by design? I call it a
bug. ;)

> /bin/rmdir on the other hand did do a rmdir(2), and that does destroy
> the snapshot.

It seems to me that the 'base directory' or 'mountpoint' of the
snapshot, e.g. .zfs/snapshot/<name> is not immutable, as all files and
directories inside the snapshot are:

r...@host:/backup/host/.zfs/snapshot/2009-10-14# rmdir bin
rmdir: bin: Read-only file system

> Although I see sometimes the rmdir fails.  If I've been doing
> "something" in a snapshot (sometimes some stats are enough), then it
> seems to "lock" the snapshot and the rmdir fails (with EBUSY).

Hmm. I haven't noticed such behaviour myself.  I guess i'm gonna switch
off snapdir visibility while rsync runs, or something.

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