> >> CFs designed for the professional photography
> market have better
> >> specifications than CFs designed for the consumer
> market.
> >>     
> >
> > CF is pretty cheap, you can pick up 16GB-32GB from
> $80-$200 depending on
> > brand/quality. Assuming they do incorporate wear
> leveling, and considering
> > even a fairly busy server isn't going to use up
> *that* much space (I have a
> > couple E3000's still running which have 4GB disk
> mirrors for the OS), if
> > you get a decent CF card I suppose it would quite
> possibly outlast the
> > server.
> >   
> I think the dig against CF is that they tend to have
> a low write speed
> for small iops.  They are optimized for writing large
> files, like photos.

Would a 32GB-SanDisk Extreme® CompactFlash® Card 60MB/s (SDCFX-032G-P61) or a  
16GB-SanDisk Extreme® CompactFlash® Card 60MB/s (SDCFX-016G-A61)  qualify as a 
decent card, or is there other an other brand I should look for?
Are 32GB "supported" at this point?
How about UDMA 400x?
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