Joerg, Thanks.  As you (of all people) know, this area is quite a quagmire.  I 
am confident that I don't have any sparse files, or if I do that they are small 
and loosing this property would not be a big impact.  I have determined that 
none of the files have extended attributes or ACLs.  Some are greater than 4GB 
and have long paths, but Sun TAR supports both if I include the E option.  I am 
trusting that because it is recommended in the ZFS Admin Guide that it is my 
safest option with respect to any ZFS idiosyncrasies, given its limitations.  
If only those were documented!

My next problem is that I want to do an exhaustive file compare afterwards, and 
diff is not large-file aware.  

I always wonder if or how these applications that run across every OS known to 
man such as star can possibly be able to have the right code to work around the 
idiosyncrasies and exploit the capabilities of all of those OS's.  Should I 
consider star for the compare?  For the copy?  (Recognizing that it cannot do 
the ACLs, but I don't have those).
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