So ship date is 19th October for Solaris 10 10/09 ( update 8 ).
Enda O'Connor wrote:
Yes Solaris 10/09 ( update 8 ) will contain
6501037 want user/group quotas on zfs
it should be out within a few weeks.
So if they have zpools already installed they can apply
141444-09/141445-09 ( 10/09 kernel patch ) and post reboot run zpool
upgrade to go to zpool version 15 ( the process is non reversible by the
ay ), which contains 6501037. The patches mentioned will be released
shortly after 10/09 itself ships ( within a few days of 10/09 shipping
), if applying patches make sure to apply latest rev of 119254/119255
first ( the patch utilities patch ), and read the README as well for any
further instructions.
Tomas Ögren wrote:
On 28 September, 2009 - Jorgen Lundman sent me these 1,7K bytes:
Hello list,
We are unfortunately still experiencing some issues regarding our
support license with Sun, or rather our Sun Vendor.
We need ZFS User quotas. (That's not the zfs file-system quota) which
first appeared in svn_114.
We would like to run something like svn_117 (don't really care which
version per-se, that is just the one version we have done the most
testing with).
But our Vendor will only support Solaris 10. After weeks of
wrangling, they have reluctantly agreed to let us run OpenSolaris
2009.06. (Which does not have ZFS User quotas).
When I approach Sun-Japan directly I just get told that they don't
speak English. When my Japanese colleagues approach Sun-Japan
directly, it is suggested to us that we stay with our current Vendor.
* Will there be official Solaris 10, or OpenSolaris releases with ZFS
User quotas? (Will 2010.02 contain ZFS User quotas?)
which is in no way official, says it'll be in 10u8 which should be
coming within a month.
Enda O'Connor x19781 Software Product Engineering
Patch System Test : Ireland : x19781/353-1-8199718
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