Le 23 sept. 09 à 19:07, Neil Perrin a écrit :

On 09/23/09 10:59, Scott Meilicke wrote:
How can I verify if the ZIL has been disabled or not? I am trying to see how much benefit I might get by using an SSD as a ZIL. I disabled the ZIL via the ZFS Evil Tuning Guide:
echo zil_disable/W0t1 | mdb -kw

- this only temporarily disables the zil until the reboot.
In fact it has no effect unless file systems are remounted as
the variable is only looked at on mount.

Scott, just setting it;

        zfs umount xxx; zfs mount xxx

and then run your experiment. Directly compare fast/incorrect xxx dataset with slower/correct yyy mount point. No need to reboot.

and then rebooted. However, I do not see any benefits for my NFS workload.

To set zil_disable from boot put the following in /etc/system and reboot:

set zfs:zil_disable=1

Actually you need to have these 2 lines  or it won't work :

**** TEMPORARY zil disable on non-production system; Sept 23 for a test by XXXX *****
set zfs:zil_disable=1


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