Hi everyone!

I did a huge mistake by upgrading my zpool from build 118 to 122. I didn't know 
about the checksum error. The strange thing here is that I don't get any error 
at all. My zpool is working very slowly, everything work fine beside the speed. 
It goes between 900 kb/s to 2 MB/s and accessing files/folders takes very long 

If I start a scrub it takes over 10000 hours even after 3 hours it still grows. 
My zpool consist of 6 hard-drive with 2 TB disc using raidz2. 

I have export/import my zpool. everything goes fine. My problem here is the 
speed. I can't rollback because i also upgraded my zpool from version 14 to 16 
:( now i cant go back to older builds. :(

Please help me. I really need help. I did a stupid thing i know.
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