Jacob Ritorto schrieb:
Torrey McMahon wrote:
3) Performance isn't going to be that great with their design
but...they might not need it.
Would you be able to qualify this assertion? Thinking through it a bit,
even if the disks are better than average and can achieve 1000Mb/s each,
each uplink from the multiplier to the controller will still have
1000Gb/s to spare in the slowest SATA mode out there. With (5) disks
per multiplier * (2) multipliers * 1000GB/s each, that's 10000Gb/s at
the PCI-e interface, which approximately coincides with a meager 4x
PCI-e slot.
they use a 85$ PC motherboard - that does not have "meager 4x PCI-e slots",
it has one 16x and 3 *1x* PCIe slots, plus 3 PCI slots ( remember, long time
ago: 32-bit wide 33 MHz, probably shared bus ).
Also it seems that all external traffic uses the single GbE motherboard port.
-- Roland
Roland Rambau Platform Technology Team
Principal Field Technologist Global Systems Engineering
Phone: +49-89-46008-2520 Mobile:+49-172-84 58 129
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