glidic anthony wrote:
I have only 3 hdd and i want make a raidz. But i think it's not possible to
install opensolaris on a raidz system. So what is the solution? Maybe to create
a lice on the first disk (where opensolaris was install) and create a raidz
with this slice and the two other disk?
I try that but when i use fdisk to create my partition. What is the method to
know the identity of the slice waz created?
Thanks for answer
There should be experimental raidz boot support in grub2 soon that could
help. Also the zfsinstall from Milax may allow a more flexible install
process. Just depends if you need it now and how much manual work
you're willing to test.
If you're interested in the status of the grub work feel free to ask in
#osunix or #grub on freenode
zfs-discuss mailing list