Hi all,
In six short weeks (Sept. 14th) all content on opensolaris.org will be
migrated to XWiki. To prepare your web pages for this migration, please
check the first test migration here:
If you find any problems, please refer to the tips and tricks for
preparing your source here:
Note: ALL content preparation work must take place on opensolaris.org.
We'll do several test migrations between now and Sept. 14th and I'll
send out a reminder mail each week after hub has been updated from the
snapshot on stage.opensolaris.org.
Send questions to website-disc...@opensolaris.org. File bugs in
http://defect.opensolaris.org under Development | Website with
'site-xwiki' as the component.
We'll also host a public meeting this Thursday at 9am PT, using the
following conference call numbers:
Thanks in advance for your help to make this migration a success!
Michelle Olson
OpenSolaris.org Content PM
zfs-discuss mailing list