Adam Sherman wrote:
On 6-Aug-09, at 11:32 , Thomas Burgess wrote:
i've seen some people use usb sticks, and in practice it works on SOME machines. The biggest difference is that the bios has to allow for usb booting. Most of todays computers DO. Personally i like compact flash because it is fairly easy to use as a cheap alternative to a hard drive. I mirror the cf drives exactly like they are hard drives so if one fails i just replace it. USB is a little harder to do that with because they are just not as consistent as compact flash. But honestly it should work and many people do this.

This product looks really interesting:

But I can't confirm it will show both cards as separate disks…
My read is that it won't (which is supported by the single SATA data connector,) but it will do the mirroring for you.
I know that I generally prefer to let XFS handle the redundancy for me, 
but for you it may be enough to let this do the mirroring for the root pool.
It seems too expensive to get 2.   Do they have a cheaper one that takes 
only 1 CF card?


Adam Sherman
CTO, Versature Corp.
Tel: +1.877.498.3772 x113

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