
I got a very strange problem here, tried out many things, can't solve it.
I run a virtual machine via VirtualBox 2.2.4, with Ubuntu 9.04. OpenSolaris as 
the host is 2009-06, with snv118. Now I try to mount (via CIFS) a share in 
Ubuntu from OpenSolaris. Mounting is successful, I can see all files, also 
change directories. But I can't read the files! Whenever I try to copy a file, 
I get a "Permission denied" from Ubuntu. But when I mount the same share in 
Windows XP, I can read the files also. So might be an Ubuntu issue, anyone also 
experienced this? Any logs I can check/configure to find out more?
Here the permissions for the directory (tmns is the user I use for mounting):
dr-xr-xr-x+ 31 chris    staff        588 Aug  4 23:57 video
(The "x" shouldn't be necessary, but XP seems not able to list subdirectories 
without it...)

So I thought about using NFS instead, which should be better for an Unix - Unix 
connection anyway. But here I face another issue, which might be because of 
missing knowledge about NFS...
I share the "video" directory above with the ZFS sharenfs command, options are 
"anon=0,ro". Without "anon=0" I always get a "Permission denied" when I want to 
mount the share via NFS on Ubuntu (mounting with root user). But with "anon=0" 
I can only read the files on the Ubuntu side with root, the mounted directory 
had numerical ids for owner and group on the Ubuntu side.
Any clue how I can solve this?

Many thanks for your help, I'm not sure how to progress on this...


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