You seem to be hitting :

The fix is available in OpenSolaris build 115 and later not for Solaris 10 yet.


On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 10:08:37AM -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> Are there any improvements in the Solaris 10 pipeline for how compression 
> is implemented?
> I changed my USB-based backup pool to use gzip compression (with default 
> level 6) rather than the lzjb compression which was used before.  When 
> lzjb compression was used, it would case the X11 session to become jerky 
> and unresponsive while data was copied to the backup pool.  With gzip 
> compression, the system just "goes away" for as long as eight seconds at a 
> time.  It goes away for so long that the Perfmeter tool pops up a window 
> saying that it can't contact localhost.
> I have done some simple testing to verify that the issue is not specific 
> to the X11 server since this little test loop shows the (up to) 8 second 
> delays in execution:
> while true
> do
>   date
>   sleep 1
> done > times.txt
> Does current OpenSolaris do better in this area?
> Bob
> --
> Bob Friesenhahn
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
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