On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Roch Bourbonnais

> Le 4 août 09 à 13:42, Joseph L. Casale a écrit :
>  does anybody have some numbers on speed on sata vs 15k sas?
>> The next chance I get, I will do a comparison.
>>  Is it really a big difference?
>> I noticed a huge improvement when I moved a virtualized pool
>> off a series of 7200 RPM SATA discs to even 10k SAS drives.
>> Night and day...
> If by 'huge' you mean much more than 10K/7.2K in the data path with
> otherwise same number of spindles, then
> that has got to be because of something not specified here.
> -r

No it doesn't.  The response time on 10k drives is night and day better than
7.2k drives.  VMware workloads look exactly like DB workloads.  Faster
spindles=better response time=virtualized platform being much happier.

Not to mention, in my experience, the 7.2k drives fall off a cliff when you
overwork them.  10k/15k drives tend to have a more linear degradation in

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