On Mon, Jul 27 at 13:50, Richard Elling wrote:
On Jul 27, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Eric D. Mudama wrote:
Can *someone* please name a single drive+firmware or RAID
controller+firmware that ignores FLUSH CACHE / FLUSH CACHE EXT
commands? Or worse, responds "ok" when the flush hasn't occurred?

two seconds with google shows

Give it up. These things happen.  Not much you can do about it, other
than design around it.
-- richard

That example is a windows-specific, and is a software driver, where
the data integrity feature must be manually disabled by the end user.
The default behavior was always maximum data protection.

While perhaps analagous at some level, the perpetual "your hardware
must be crappy/cheap/not-as-expensive-as-mine" doesn't seem to be a
sufficient explanation when things go wrong, like complete loss of a

Eric D. Mudama

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