>Running this kind of setup absolutely can give you NO garanties at all.
>Virtualisation, OSOL/zfs on WinXP. It's nice to play with and see it
>"working" but would I TRUST precious data to it? No way!

why not?
if i write some data trough virtualization layer which goes straight trough to 
raw disk - what`s the problem?
do a snapshot and you can be sure you have a safe state. or not?
you can check if you are consistent by doing a scrub. or not?
taken buffers/caches into consideration, you could eventually loose some 
seconds/minutes of work, but doesn`t zfs use transactional design which ensures 

so, how can that happen what´s being reported here, if zfs takes so much care 
of consistency?

>When that happens, ZFS believes the data is safely written, but a power cut or 
>>crash can cause severe problems with the pool.

didn`t i read a million times that zfs ensures an "always consistent state" and 
is self healing, too?

so, if new blocks are always written at new positions - why can`t we just roll 
back to a point in time (for example last snapshot) which is known to be 
safe/consistent ?

i give a shit about the last 5 minutes of work if i can recover my TB sized 
pool instead.
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