On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 05:44, F. Wessels<no-re...@opensolaris.org> wrote:
> Also in reply to the previous email by Will.
> Can anyone shed more light on the combination lsi sas hba , the lsisasx36 
> expander chip (or it's relatives) and sata disks.
> I'm investigating a migration from discrete channels (like in the thumper) to 
> a multiplexed solution via a sas expander.
> I'm aware that there's a penalty but for my workload that's acceptable. Only 
> when a wide sas port (4 links) is used, which should result in a theoretical 
> throughput of 1.2GB/s. But Will reported only 300MB/s, which corresponds to a 
> single link.
That's not what I intended to report.  I saw 400 MB/s of write I/O to
my six-disk mirrored zpool, and a little over 300 MB/s read.  However,
the write I/O is reported as half that because it's a mirrored setup,
so the userspace app writes 200 MB in a second and the disks have to
write that twice in the same period.

In short, I have seen more than 300 MB/s over a SAS expander.  I just
don't have enough non-production disks to show much more than that.

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