Hi Guys
I have a SunFire X4200M2 and the Xyratex RS1600 JBOD which I try to
run the ZFS on it.But I found a problem:
I set mpxio-disable="yes" in the /kernel/drv/fp.conf to enable the MPxIO,
and set load-balance="round-robin" in the /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf enable
the round-robin.The ZFS performance is very low, it is about 50% performance
decrease. If I disable the MPxIO or just set load-balance="none", the performace
is good to accept.

I am confused. I google the website and found this 

It is the document of Xyratex, they have same result but no explain.Maybe it is 
the SunMdi bug? How can I do this ?

Thanks,any suggestion is welcome!
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