On Wed, 1 Jul 2009, Mark J Musante wrote:
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, John Hoogerdijk wrote:
i've setup a RAIDZ2 pool with 5 SATA drives and added a 32GB SSD log
device. to see how well it works, i ran bonnie++, but never saw any io's
on the log device (using iostat -nxce) . pool status is good - no issues
or errors. any ideas?
Try using direct i/o (the -D flag) in bonnie++. You'll need at least version
If this -D flag uses the Solaris directio() function, then it will do
nothing for ZFS. It only works for UFS and NFS.
Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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