On 28 Jun 2009, at 11:22, Daniel J. Priem wrote:
Snapshots are significantly faster as well. My average transfer speed
went from about 15MB/sec to over 40MB/sec. I imagine that 40MB/sec is
now a limitation of the CPU, as I can see SSH maxing out a single core
on the quad cores.
Maybe SSH can be made multi-threaded next?  :)
i for myself have the storageservers in a seperated/dedicated LAN.  
So why using SSH
instead of netcat? i am always using netcat. this saves me cpupower  

zfs send | netcat $remotehost $remoteport

netcat -l -p $myport | zfs receive

years ago there was a cipher "null" in ssh.
Using arcfour should make things a bit faster then the default AES if  
you're CPU bound.
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