On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:28:08 -0700
Carson Gaspar <car...@taltos.org> wrote:

> James C. McPherson wrote:
> > Use raidctl(1m). For fwflash(1m), this is on the "future project"
> > list purely because we've got much higher priority projects on the
> > boil - if we couldn't use raidctl(1m) this would be higher up the
> > list.
> Nice to see that raidctl can do that. Although I don't see a way to 
> flash the BIOS or fcode with raidctl... am I missing something, is it a 
> doc bug, or is it not possible? The man page intro mentions BIOS and 
> fcode, but the only option I can see is '-F' and it just says firmware...

We include both bios and fcode in the definition of firmware. The
manpage for raidctl(1m) also gives an example:

     Example 4 Updating Flash Images on the Controller

     The following command updates flash images on the controller

       # raidctl -F lsi_image.fw 0

> > Did you try "cfgadm -lav" ? I was under the impression that the
> > cfgadm(1m) manpage's examples section was sufficient to provide
> > at least a starting point for a usable command line.
> > 
> > If you don't believe that is the case, I'd appreciate you filing
> > a bug against it (yes, we do like to get doc/manpage bugs) so that
> > we can make the manpage better.
> ...
> > $ cfgadm -alv c0 c3
> > Ap_Id                          Receptacle   Occupant     Condition  
> > Information
> > When         Type         Busy     Phys_Id
> > c0                             connected    configured   unknown
> > unavailable  scsi-bus     n        
> > /devices/p...@0,0/pci10de,3...@a/pci1000,3...@0:scsi
> > c0::dsk/c0t4d0                 connected    configured   unknown    
> > ST3320620AS ST3320620AS
> > unavailable  disk         n        
> > /devices/p...@0,0/pci10de,3...@a/pci1000,3...@0:scsi::dsk/c0t4d0
> That gives the same data as 'ls -l /dev/dsk/c0t4d0'. It does _not_ give 
> the LSI HBA port number. And given the plethora of device mapping 
> options in the LSI controller, you really want the real port numbers.

I don't see why that makes a difference to you, and I'd be grateful
if you'd clue me in on that. I only know of two device mapping options
for the 1064/1068-based cards, which are "logical target id" and "SAS
WWN". We use the "logical target id" method with mpt(7d). 

> As for the man page, for a basic "give me a list of devices" the man 
> page is overly complex and verbose, but sufficient. It's all the _other_ 
> options that are documented to exist, but without any specifics. It all 
> basically reads as "reserved for future use".

There are other manpages referred to in the SEE ALSO section of
the cfgadm(1m) manpage, just like with other manpages:

     cfgadm_fp(1M), cfgadm_ib(1M), cfgadm_pci(1M),cfgadm_sbd(1M),
     cfgadm_scsi(1M),  cfgadm_usb(1M),  ifconfig(1M),  mount(1M),
     prtdiag(1M), psradm(1M), syslogd(1M), config_admin(3CFGADM),
     getopt(3C),    getsubopt(3C),   isatty(3C),   attributes(5),

What else are you thinking of as "reserved for future use" ?

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems
http://blogs.sun.com/jmcp       http://www.jmcp.homeunix.com/blog
Kernel Conference Australia - http://au.sun.com/sunnews/events/2009/kernel
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