>>>>> "bmm" == Bogdan M Maryniuk <bogdan.maryn...@gmail.com> writes:

   bmm> OK, so what is the status of your bugreport about this?

That's a good question if it's meant genuinely, and not to be
obstructionist.  It's hard to report one bug with clear information
because the problem isn't well-isolated yet.

In my notes:  6565042, 6749630

but as I said before, I've found the information on the mailing list
more useful w.r.t. this particular problem.

You can see how those bugs are about specific,
methodically-reproduceable problems.  Bugs are not ``I have been
losing more zpools than I lost UFS/vxfs filesystems on top of the same
storage platform.''  

It may take a while.

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