I'm interested in the snapshot and cloning side of ZFS. Whilst I'm happy with the way that this works at the share level i.e. snapshot share clone share to a new share nfs mount (or somesuch) to the cloned share
I'm wondering whether it's possible to snap / clone at the file / dierctory level so that I don't have to create additional NFS shares to mount. If it's not possible at present is this something that could potentially be investigated or is the design of zfs snapshots such that this will not be possible (i.e. all snapshots under a share are accessible through a single .zfs directory) I know this is something that NetApp filers are able to do and it is particularly usful in the VMware (VDI) type of environment. VMware is limited in the number of mounts and creating a mount for each VM (so I can have independant VM snapshots) makes manageability difficult at best -- This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss