Aurelien, I don't think this scenario has been tested and I'm unclear about what other steps might be missing, but I suspect that you need to set the bootfs property on the root pool, depending on your ZFS BE, would look something like this:
# zpool set bootfs=rpool/ROOT/zfsBE-name rpool This syntax is supported on SXCE versions since build 88. Cindy Aurélien Larcher wrote:
Hi, yesterday evening I tried to upgrade my Ultra 60 to 2009.06 from SXCE snv_98. I can't use AI Installer because OpenPROM is version 3.27. So I built IPS from source, then created a zpool on a spare drive and installed OS 2006.06 on it To make the disk bootable I used: installboot -F zfs /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/zfs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 using the executable from my new rpool. But when I boot my new disk, I get the error "no pool_props" and the booting process returns to prompt with "Fast Device MMU miss". I read OpenPROM 4.x was needed because of AI ? Did I miss something ? Can you enlighten me ? Thanks you, aurelien
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