* Summary: data loss using concurently OOo3 and another editor in the
same network
Also searching for openoffice and locking yields quite a bit of insight.
C. Bergström wrote:
Tobs wrote:
Hi There,
We're running the latest OpenSolaris version with the build-in CIFS
We experienced the problem that some users were opening the same Excel
document at the same time. One was using MS Excel, the other one
OpenOffice. This happend by accident. At the end, both weren't able to
save it.
What can I do to prevent that this happens again?
Before, when the majority was using MS Excel, this problem never
occured, instead the user got an error message, that informed her/him,
that the document was already in use and it opened in read-only mode.
Could this be an OpenOffice bug?
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