> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>> I tried to import a zpool and the process just hung there, doing
>> nothing.
>> It has been ten minutes now so I tries to hit CTRL-C.  That did nothing.
> This symptom is consistent with a process blocked waiting on disk I/O.
> Are the disks functional?

dcla...@neptune:~$ zpool status
  pool: rpool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        rpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
          c0d0s0    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
dcla...@neptune:~$ zpool get all rpool
NAME   PROPERTY       VALUE               SOURCE
rpool  size           74G                 -
rpool  used           11.3G               -
rpool  available      62.7G               -
rpool  capacity       15%                 -
rpool  altroot        -                   default
rpool  health         ONLINE              -
rpool  guid           3386894308818650832  default
rpool  version        14                  default
rpool  bootfs         rpool/ROOT/snv_111  local
rpool  delegation     on                  default
rpool  autoreplace    off                 default
rpool  cachefile      -                   default
rpool  failmode       continue            local
rpool  listsnapshots  off                 default

dcla...@neptune:~$ su -
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.11      snv_111 November 2008
# zpool import
  pool: foo
    id: 15989070886807735056
 state: ONLINE
status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier and
        the '-f' flag.
   see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-EY

        foo         ONLINE
          c0d0p0    ONLINE

If I try this again .. it may just hang again. But here goes.

# mkdir /mnt/foo
# zpool import -f -R /mnt/foo 15989070886807735056

and then ... nothing happens.

Not too sure what is going on here.

In another window I do this and see the same thing as before :

dcla...@neptune:~$ date;ps -efl | grep root | grep import
Sat May  9 20:42:11 GMT 2009
 0 S     root  1096  1088   0  50 20 df81e378   1327 d8274526 20:40:38
pts/5       0:00 zpool import -f -R /mnt/foo 1598907

I have to look into this a bit and try to figure out why I am seeing this
thing "foo" and why can I not import it.


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