On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 01:18:05PM -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I'm looking for ways to backup data on a linux server that has been
> using  rsync with the script `rsnapshot'.  Some of you may know how
> that works... I won't explain it here other than to say only changed
> data gets rsynced to the backup data.
> I'm wondering if I could do something similar by making that data
> directory hierarchy available on a osol.ll build 110 zfs server as an
> NFS mount.

Not unless the data is within the ZFS pool.  

> That is, can I nfs mount a remote filesystem on a zpool and use zfs
> snapshot functionality to create snapshots of that data?

No.  You can't mount a filesystem into a zpool.  The snapshots are easy
for ZFS to do because it owns the data and it knows about every changed
block.  It wouldn't be able to see that on a remote NFS filesystem.  The
client has to scan every file (like rsync) to find changes.

So a ZFS host could own the data, then *it* could be the NFS server and
it would work the way you want.  But it won't work if the ZFS host is
just an NFS client.

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