I've recently re-installed an X4500 running Nevada b109 and have been
experiencing ZFS lock ups regularly (perhaps once every 2-3 days).

The machine is a backup server and receives hourly ZFS snapshots from
another thumper - as such, the amount of zfs activity tends to be
reasonably high. After about 48 - 72 hours, the file system seems to lock
up and I'm unable to do anything with the zfs system - e.g. zfs list, df on
the file system in question, zfs receive, etc. zpool does still list
information and targetted zfs list does work. NFS also locks up. I'm unable
to test whether I can write as the file system is read only.

The structure of the pool is something like:
/thumperpool      <-- Does not lock up
/thumperpool/mnt  <-- Does lock up and is the file system receiving lots of

The server is currently in it's locked state so if anyone can suggest
useful diagnostics to run on it while it's like this, please get back to me
asap. I will need to restart the box so that our backups aren't too out of
sync this afternoon.

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Nicols

Systems Developer

e: andrew.nic...@luns.net.uk
im: a.nic...@jabber.lancs.ac.uk
t: +44 (0)1524 5 10147

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England and Wales. Registered number: 4311892. Registered office:
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