> I've upgraded my system from ufs to zfs (root pool).
> By default, it creates a zvol for dump and swap. 
> . . .
> So I removed the zvol swap and now I have a standard swap partition. The
> performance is much better (night and day).  The system is usable and  I
> don't know the job is running.
> Is this expected? 

If you're using Solaris-10U6 to migrate, the early revisions of liveupgrade
would create swap and dump zvols that have some different properties than
what S10U6 Jumpstart creates.  On x86 here, the swap zvol ends up with 4k
volblocksize when you Jumpstart install, but liveupgrade sets it to 8k (which
does not match the system page-size of 4k).

The other difference I noticed was the dump zvol from Jumpstart install
has 128k volblocksize, but early S10U6 liveupgrade set it to 8k, which
makes crash-dumps incredibly slow (should you have one).  I know that
subsequent LU patches have fixed the dump zvol volblocksize, but am not
sure if the swap zvol has been updated in a LU patch.

Sorry I can't report on whether zvol swap is slower than UFS swap slice
for us here;  None of our ZFS-root systems have done any significant
swapping/paging as far as I can tell.
  $ zfs get volsize,referenced rpool/swap
  rpool/swap  volsize     4.00G       -
  rpool/swap  referenced  105M        -



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