Thank you all for replying my email!

Will pass all the information to the customer.


Darren J Moffat wrote:
Ian Collins wrote:
Cherry Shu wrote:
Are any plans for an API that would allow ZFS commands including snapshot/rollback integrated with customer's application?


The API in there is Contracted Consolidation Private. Note that private does not mean hidden it means:


         A Private interface is an interface provided by  a  com-
         ponent  (or  product)  intended only for the use of that
         component. A Private interface might still be visible to
         or  accessible  by  other components. Because the use of
         interfaces private to another  component  carries  great
         stability  risks,  such use is explicitly not supported.
         Components not supplied by Sun Microsystems  should  not
         use Private interfaces.

         Most Private interfaces are not  documented.  It  is  an
         exceptional case when a Private interface is documented.
         Reasons for documenting a Private interface include, but
         are  not  limited  to,  the intention that the interface
         might be reclassified to one  of  the  public  stability
         level classifications in the future or the fact that the
         interface is inordinately visible.

That "not suppied by Sun Microsystems" should change to be not included as part of the OpenSolaris distribution.

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